Marika Dobos and Zach Klein: Recipients of the 2014 Ted Bjornn Scholarship

Marika Dobos and Zach Klein: Recipients of the 2014 Ted Bjornn Scholarship

This schTedBjornnScholarshipPresentationolarship is in memory of Dr. Ted Bjornn who served as president of the Idaho Chapter (1974-1975) and who was also a professor at the University of Idaho and a prominent expert on salmon, steelhead, and trout. Over the course of his life, he had a remarkable impact on the management of fishes in the Pacific Northwest and a powerful influence on the development of many natural resource professionals. Dr. Bjornn passed away at the age of 69 on November 3, 2001, in Salt Lake City, Utah, from a peritoneal infection. This scholarship, which was first awarded in 1999, is intended to continue Dr. Bjornn’s legacy of fostering the development of fish and aquatic professionals and is awarded annually to an undergraduate student attending the University of Idaho. This $500 scholarship is funded by an endowment which was created with contributions from the Bjornn family and the Idaho Chapter.
A Tribute to Dr. Ted Bjornn (Fisheries 27(1):44) (PDF)

This scholarship is administered by the University of Idaho. Please visit the University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources scholarship website for application information and deadlines.

Recipients of the 2014 Ted Bjornn scholarships at the 2014 Chapter meeting in Idaho Falls. Left to right: Marika Dobos (graduate scholarship winner), Dr. Michael Quist (representing the University of Idaho), Zach Klein (graduate scholarship winner), Katie McBaine (undergraduate scholarship winner).

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